Monday, 20 January 2020

Clothesline Of The Week - Jim Jamison

Ah yes, time for a weekly installment of clothesline of the week. I'm sure you all remember it's the taker not the giver who receives this coveted accolade. Today's jobber with a sore neck is Jim Jamison, given to him by the monster that is Big Bubba aka Tugboat/Typhoon. But this is 87 Memphis and the boy hasn't even been a deck hand nevermind a tugboat captain, hasn't even farted in the wind let alone become a natural disaster. Its Bubba & Goliath v Jamison & John Paul (still hanging around for some reason). Downtown Bruno is desk side, spitting out smack on behalf of his Downtown Connection that poor old Lance & Dave have to listen to. Jamison takes it like a pro, almost stands to attention, saluting Bubba's dominance, hit so hard he forgets to bump. Lance to Bruno - "Bruno, you're giving me a headache, why don't you shut up for a while."
"You better go and help them, they may not be able to read the exit sign." Classic

Jim, well done, salutations you beautiful perennial jobber to the Memphis stars, you're a winner today.

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