Tuesday, 6 May 2008


I don't have to sell my soul, Memphis 88 is already in me. Eddie Gilbert's throwing fire balls like there's no tomorrow. Lawler, Jerry Jarrett and Randy "Mr Charisma" Hales all get fire in the face. Jerry Jarrett had been away for a while checking on his logging company! He returns back to the TV studio to give Lance Russell an award for best announcer but all he receives in return is a FIREBALL from Hotstuff.

Eddie's dad Tommy wears a shell suit top because he can. Eddie Marlin's woken up from his matchmaker stupor and is up for a fight or two with his former tag team partner. He blades to sell tickets. The Gilbert's and Missy Hyatt are taking over and something needs to be done. Jerry Lawler's stuck at home recovering from a FIREBALL, Lance phones him up each week to reassure the fans that the King is not dead. Hang on, when Eddie Gilbert slams the phone down Lance says Lawler is not at home he's BACKSTAGE.

A stubbled Lawler appears in all black looking like a cat burglar. HE ATTACKS. They end up outside the TV studio, in the bright sunshine of the real world, Memphis 1988. They start the 6 year build up for Eddie and Doug Gilbert running Lawler over when Eddie slams the King through a car windshield. Lawler takes it because he's some ace stunt man wrestler and Hotstuff disappears into the Memphis sun to think again. These two are probably my favourite two wrestlers ever, maybe with Terry Funk. And Super Porky. And El Hijo Del Santo. AND SO IT CONTINUES..........

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