Don "Flathead" Fisher: Now lets get this right, erm Lucas said, erm, put the disc in the A drive. No, was it the C drive?
Alf: I’d go for the A Don.
Jesus, I've just read that last post and all that Liverpool team picking nonsense. I'm not going to be doing that anymore, one I'm too lazy and five will make you get down. Oh no, it gets worse.
Oh yeah, what I wanted to write, and apologies to Stewey for using his space to do it, I was flicking round the channels the other day (month) and there was this new Poirot TV movie on. But it was based in the present and this US policeman said to Poirot (bloke from El Cid/ Dr Octopus), who was looking at some gym equipment, "15 minutes of using that a day and you Mr Poirot will have abs like Brad Pitt in Fight Club." It just sounded so wrong. Yeah, I'm on a role tonight.
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Thanks for writing this.
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