Monday, 31 March 2008


Holla holla boys and girls. I hope you all know that the Lucha is even finer than a sixty niner with Scotty Steiner? That last bit is obviously not my thoughts but I’ve been watching a lot of 2000 WCW and that big bad booty daddy, that genetic freak, that guy who’s only interested in his freaks and peaks, well he says lots of things like that. Where have I been these last 2 months, who knows or cares but I’ve watched enough mid 80’s Florida and Late 90’s Mexico to be hyped for this here wrasslin shenanigans again. Even as I’m writing this I know I probably won’t post again for a month but lets just for now pretend I will. I’m listening to Teenage Fanclub, Home & Away’s about to start, I have tapes and discs that are laden with Super Porky, Maya Singh, Solar 1 and Jimmy Backlund. For a split second life is good.

Which reminds me dear reader, I was watching a bit of that there Florida Wresting and little Jimmy Backlund took the best satanic clothesline from Kevin Sullivan. He did the somersault thing that I don’t usually like but it just looked awesome here. I also watched Volunteer Slam 1992 and Davey Rich/Haskins did one too, I think from Stan Lane. It was pretty good and usually it’d win my coveted (and just made up) CLOTHESLINE OF THE WEEK award but the almost decapitated Jimmy Backlund from 1985 begs to differ. My CLOTHESLINE OF THE WEEK award is made of plastic and coloured in with a gold felt tip pen. I send it backwards through the time vortex to whoever is the weekly recipient. Gordon Solie’s ghost told me that Jimmy Backlund was really made up with it.

Real sad news, Bestia Salvaje died last week. My spell check tells me the words Bestia and Salvaje don’t exist, my spell check needs to watch more lucha. That rudo guy with the leather gloves and bell needs to give Bestia a 10 bell salute. He was a great worker who bumped around and made everyone else look great too.